Five Health Benefits of Beets

5 min readNov 18, 2022


Five Health Benefits of Beets

To those who aren’t aware beets can seem daunting. They’re a blood-red, knobby vegetable and have a sweet earthy smell. However, it’s well worth the effort familiar with this nutritious root vegetable.

“Beets are distinctive in their heart and cardiovascular advantages,” says registered dietitian Sarah Thomsen Ferreira, RD. “Due to the mix of beets’ compounds they can increase blood flow, improve the health of the arteries, and help lower homocysteine levels, and decrease LDL cholesterol.”

With the right recipe, they can turn out quite tasty!

Are beets good for health?

What is it that makes beets so attractive? It is discovered that the very aspect that makes these roots vegetables so beautiful also gives you many nutrients. Beets’ jewel-like color comes from betalains, which is a kind of plant pigment that contains antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory properties.

Are you ready to add beets to your soup or salad? Here are a few reasons for why beets make a wonderful option for your menu:

A wealth of health benefits

If you’re in search of a food which is low in calories and rich in nutrients Look at the simple beet. Incorporating beets into soups, salads and other meals of the day is a great way to improve your balanced diet.

Additionally, as with other purple-colored vegetables and fruits beets are a great supply of antioxidants. These natural compounds shield cells from harm and can even reduce the risk of developing diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Properties that combat inflammation

Continuous inflammation within the body can be linked to many diseases, including Diabetes type II, high blood pressure as well as heart disease, asthma and overweight. Beets, fortunately, have a variety of anti-inflammatory properties due to their high amount of betalains.

You can get the most benefit from all these nutrients by eating beets in the form of juice. Believe us, it’s tastierthan you imagine.

Study after study have demonstrated that beetroot juice helps reduce inflammation throughout the body. A study from 2014 discovered that betalain capsules that contained beetroot extract aid in relieving joint arthritis pain. But, more research is required to determine the full effects of betalain capsules for osteoarthritis.

Fiber with high content

Incorporating beets into your diet is a fantastic method to increase your intake of fiber. One cup of beetroot is is packed with 3.8 grams of fiber.

The benefits to health that come from the fiber are numerous. It can help control the levels of blood sugar, keep an ideal weight, reduce your cholesterol levels and keep you on track. A balanced diet rich in fiber can reduce the risk of developing conditions such as colon cancer or heart disease, as well as IBD (IBS).

Nitrates high

“Beets contain nitrates which assist in opening the blood vessels” Thomsen Ferreira explains. “That helps to lower blood pressure, and could also enhance brain functioning.”

The research has demonstrated the consumption of beet juice prior exercising will boost the endurance of your cardiovascular system — which allows you to exercise longer. This is due to the nitrates present in beets convert to Nitric acid within your body which increases blood flow. The result is improved lung performance, and helps to strengthen muscle contraction.

The nitrates present in beets is as well to be credited for helping lower blood pressure in the event that you suffer from hypertension, according to further studies on this powerful vegetable. In fact, beet juice has been found to be effective in research studies to lower both the systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure.

In addition, a diet high in nitrates is also linked to better functioning of the brain. Since nitrates expand blood vessels, it allows for a greater supply of cerebral blood which improves cognitive performance.

Potassium is a great source

“Beets — as well as beet leafy greens are an excellent source of potassium” Thomsen Ferreira says. Potassium assists in creating better blood vessels to lower blood pressure. This is an additional benefit to heart and cardiovascular health benefits. These are all vital for good health and all of them are sourced from beets!

Beet is a benefit of their color

A healthy diet is a colorful diet. Different plant colors mean different plant nutrients. Beets are among the very few sources of betalains. They are unique plant compounds that can be present in the form of a miniature rainbow of possibilities.

Beets of purple and redare particularly high in a kind of betalain referred to as betacyanins.
Golden or yellow beets contain an entirely different type of betalain known as betaxanthins. (FYI Be aware that red beets could make your urine turn redand if you are scared out then these golden or yellow ones are the best beets to choose from!)
Green beetsare deep, deep green that indicates they’re full of goodness. “They’re an amazing source of beta-caroteneand lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential for eye health and vision and certainly not to throw away,” Thomsen Ferreira says. When you sauté or add it to salad, think of ways to make use of the entire beet!
How do you consume beets
If you’ve figured out the reason why beets are so popular Here are more ways you can incorporate them into your diet:

Open your can with a crank

Canned beets are about as simple as they come. Slice them to make an easy salad with goat cheese and walnuts. Blend them with hummus to make an beautiful creamy pink sauce. If you’re not keen on the flavor of beets, mixing them in a smoothie could make it more mellow by mixing the ingredients. Make sure to choose canned beets without added salt.

Preheat your oven

Roasting beets brings out their earthy, sweet deliciousness. Better yet, try cutting them into small pieces before placing them in the oven to create crunchy beet chips.

Get the glass

Beet juicedoesn’t have the fiber content of whole beets. However, it can be beneficial in helping kick up the beets , especially if you’re looking for an energy boost or for an athletic boost, Thomsen Ferreira notes. The majority of grocery stores sell beet juice. There are powdered supplements made from beet juice in the fitness section of grocery stores or in vitamin stores.

Do beets have any disadvantages?

Before you begin consuming beets Beware be aware that beets are high in Oxalates, and can lead in the formation of kidney stones. If you’re suffering from kidney stones you should consume beetroots as well as beet greens in moderate amounts.

For most people who are healthy However, oxalates don’t pose an problem. If you’re eating an enlightened, diverse diet, it’s impossible to beat beets.




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